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Henry LeVrier

Joanna Villarreal
1st Vice President

Jaime Escamilla
2nd Vice President

Ozzy Diaz
3rd Vice President

Elsa Martinez-Cisneros

Kenneth Lieck

Rosendo Escareno
Executive Director

Danny Arzola

Ramiro Barrera

Romulo (R.C.) Cisneros III

Darlene Trevino - Diaz

Narciso Escareno

Sylvia Garza

Javier Gonzalez

Alfonso Ibarra

Tito Mata

Maria Martinez

Martha Martinez

Gilbert Otero

Tracy Perez

Sandra Rodriguez

Vianey Trevino

Vincent Crixell

Lucy Escamilla

Joe W. Garcia

Henry LeVrier

Kenneth J. Lieck

Lulu Lieck

Eduardo (E.J.) Martinez. Jr.

John Patriarca

Sylvia Patriarca

Mike Perez

Michael T. Puckett

Bill Robertson

Robert Vezzetti

Johnny Cavazos † 

Oscar Cavazos †

Rene Escamilla †

Hector (Buddy) Garcia †

Jessie Gonzales †

Tony Gonzalez, Jr. †

Mickey Neck †

Oran Neck †

Chickie Samano †

Rachel Torres 

Margel M. Vicars †

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Honorary Life

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